Welcome to Legacy Ridge Turfgrass Maintenance. We hope that you find our blog to be informative and please feel free to ask any questions about the golf course. We will answer them as promptly as possible.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Don't Tread on Me

If you have played golf here at Legacy Ridge before, then you are likely familiar with our extensive native areas and Environmentally Sensitive Areas, ESA for short.  These areas receive minimal input from the turf staff and are left to develop naturally.  It is for that reason, that we ask our guests to respect these areas of the course and keep carts out of them entirely. 

In an effort to reduce our facility's impact on the native ecosystem, we have maintained a buffer around the golf course of native grass and designated certain areas ESA to protect what is really a very valuable part of the golf experience here at Legacy Ridge.  

These native areas offer habitat for a number of smaller species like insects, voles, field mice, snakes, rabbits, squirrels and small birds, that in turn support the larger species of fox, coyote, raccoon, deer, hawk, geese, and ducks you will find around the course.  It is important that all of these animals are allowed to nest and flourish throughout our facility. 

These areas are crucial too in protecting our natural bodies of water around the course by absorbing and filtering any chemical runoff or overspray.  In addition, many areas that were out of play and not strategically relevant have been converted to native to reduce water, fertilizer, and other costs of high maintenance turf.  We ask that carts remain out of native areas at all times for these and many other reasons. 

The ESA's around the course that I mentioned are typically restricted to wetland areas, whose delicate ecosystem must remain undisturbed by both our maintenance practices and our guests.  That is why we mark these areas with signs designating them as such, and ask that golfers not enter them under any circumstance.  They are protected and will remain that way long after any of us are around.  A great deal of planning went into preserving these areas when the golf course was designed and built, so please stay out of our ESA's at ALL TIMES.  Thank you for your cooperation.