In the last two weeks we have received 4.16" of moisture at the golf course. The rain is a huge blessing, especially when you consider how dry this past winter was. The course is completely saturated and is extremely soft, so carts have been restricted to the cart path for all players and likely will be for a least another day or two. Compaction is amplified when soils are saturated and permanent damage to soil structure occurs when carts or equipment drive through saturated soils. Soil make-up contains organic and mineral matter (50%) with equal parts of water and air (25% each). When a soil is beyond field capacity (saturated) air space is lost to make room for water, which results in a very delicate state where damage is inevitable.
We have been able to do a minimal amount of mowing the last week, so you could say we are behind on a lot of our daily maintenance. The weather for the next few days looks to be improving with sun forecasted until early next week. This means optimal conditions for rapid growth and by the time Monday rolls around, the course will be shaggy to say the least. We will do our best to get the growth under control quickly and keep the course in tip-top shape. Please pay extra attention to cart signage and course rules as the course will be soft for some time to come.