The stakes you have likely been noticing out on the course this summer are marking the possible location of some new tee boxes. As we mentioned a few months ago, we are in the planning stage of adding or enlarging 10 tee boxes around the course this fall. Our hope is that more teeing options will give the less-experienced player a shorter scorecard to navigate at our facility. This in turn should equate to a more enjoyable experience and a quicker pace of play for all golfers.
As a daily-fee facility we have to accommodate golfers at both ends of the golf spectrum and for many novice players Legacy, like many modern courses, is too long and tight. So adding forward tee boxes allows us to set the course up more difficult for tournaments as we always have, while setting the white and red tees up at much shorter yardage to accommodate players who don't hit tee shots 300 yards. The majority of golfers play a tee box beyond their ability primarily because of ego. This can easily lead to slow play, and often times a less than enjoyable round of golf. We encourage players to use the guidelines displayed on the Tee it Forward website when selecting a tee box. It is mainly based on Driver distance, but a golf handicap is another method commonly used.
As an added bonus we have more tees boxes to give our regulars a new look on holes they have played many times, offering a completely unique series of shots. We look forward to illustrating our process in building these tees, but for now here is another link if you would like more information about the "Play Golf America" movement.