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Monday, November 7, 2011

#6 Tee Addition

We are underway with one of many new tees we plan to build this winter, in this case on hole #6.  The tee is located between the white and red tee box.  Our plan is to use this new tee box as the "normal" white tee and move the blue and black tee forward or back as we deem necessary.  We are planning on a tee measuring about 1000 sq ft in size that matches the shape and height of the existing tee boxes.   

The stakes seen in the picture above represent the approximate size of the tee surface, as you can see there is a great deal of slope currently, so we will need about 76 cubic yards of fill material to bring the tee up to the proper grade.  We use the stakes to determine how big of an area we need to disturb to properly tie the tee in with the surrounding area.  

We sod cut a generous ring around the area we need to disturb, using as much of the sod as we currently can, and rototill the remaining turf.  At the moment we don't have a need for all of this sod anywhere on the course, but with multiple tees planned after the new year, we will reuse as much of that sod that we can.  

Once we have turned over all the existing turf, we haul in fill material to incorporate ino the base for our new tee complex.  As I mentioned before, we need about 76 yards of material, so for the next few days we will be hauling 4 yards at a time out to this location in our Adams trailer.  Repeat this about 18 more times and we are ready to start shaping our new tee. 

The new tee will play about 20 yards shorter than the current white yardage, requiring a 190-210 yd tee shot to hit the landing area.  #6 is one of our more difficult and also most interesting holes with a forced carry on the second shot over an irrigation canal to snug landing area.  For most players it is definitely a 3 shot par 5, and without a well placed tee shot, a difficult second shot can make or break the hole for most.